– Characteristics: The yellow pineapple plant is a herbaceous plant, grows in small bushes, the average plant height is about 40-50cm. The tree’s trunk is low, the leaves of the tree are very eye-catching with a length of about 20-30cm, thin leaf blades, leaf width of about 1-1.5cm, gradually tapering and pointed at the tip, yellow-striped pandan leaves are bright yellow, with two edges. Leaf edges are green. Yellow-striped pineapple has strong roots, helping the plant grow well in many harsh conditions.
– Uses: Besides aesthetic value, yellow striped pineapple also has a very special feng shui meaning. Yellow-striped pineapple symbolizes fortune, money, and gold – this plant in feng shui is likened to the god of wealth who keeps the door, helps attract wealth, brings wealth, prosperity, and money flows in like water to the family. homeowner’s family. Legend has it that each golden leaf of the tree represents a strip of money. For that reason, families doing business often grow this plant.